1: Divisions
If Utah joins the Pac-10, that makes 12 teams. Undoubtedly, they'd break it up into 6-team divisions. The problem is- how do you make those divisions? If we do north-south, then UW is rarely playing USC or UCLA, which means less exposure and less excitement for fans. I'm sorry but a Cal-Stanford-Oregon-OSU-WSU-UW division is not nearly as fun as the current set-up.
2: We don't need 12 teams.
I would be fine with adding Colorado (and the Denver market that comes with it), and sticking with 11 teams. The Big-10 did it with 11 teams without any problems. Then we would still get to play most of the schools each year, and we don't have to start watering down our conference.
3: Utah will suck
It's a popular idea that schools like Boise State, TCU, Utah are screwed over by the current system, and deserve a shot at national title games, etc. Bullshit. Here are the schools boise state played last year after beating Oregon at home in the first game of the year...
Miami of Ohio, Fresno St, Bowling Green, UC Davis, Tulsa, Hawaii, San Jose St, Louisiana Tech, Idaho, Utah st, Nevada, New Mexico st, TCU (who also plays shit teams).
Basically these midmajor schools can go all out for 1-2 games a year, and then beat up on nobodies. UW would have won every one of those games. USC could have beaten them with their walk-ons.
Hopefully Utah spending a couple years getting destroyed in the Pac-10 will end the myth that midmajors "deserve" anything.
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